Monday, November 22, 2010

Franklinton, LA to Bonifay, Florida Nov 22

Since we last wrote we were in Louisiana and now we have passed through Mississippi, Alabama, and are currently in Florida.  It seems like we should almost be done since we are in FL but it is still 450 miles to go.  We are enjoying the mostly flat terrain and are able to make more miles during the day so the time to reach St. Augustine will fly by.

To recap the last week, we stayed with another wonderful Warm Showers Family in Poplarville, MS.  Steve and Tanya live with three mules, 5 goats, 25 chickens, one rooster, three dogs and one cat.  Quite the menagerie!  Another highlight was coming to Dauphin Island, Alabama.  Islands call to us:  salt water, white sand, gulf breezes, warm sunshine, and ferry boats.  After crossing a three mile bridge over Mobile Bay, we stopped at a grocery store and and met Carol, who had just arrived on the island as a "snow bird" from Wisconsin.  She promptly invited us to spend the night at her house.  She and the island were so inviting, that we decided to spend the next day exploring the local sights.  We attended a Methodist Church Pot Luck (lots of local dishes) with Carol and enjoyed the entertainment of a local dulcimer group. The next day we took the ferry across the bay and continued up the gulf coast.  We have seen lots of oil cleanup crews along the beaches but no sign of any oil.  We biked several miles along the white sand beaches of the Gulf Coast then turned inland to continue the journey.  We have camped for the past couple of nights and found the heavy dew to be a new problem, with a soaking wet tent in the mornings.  Temperatures seem to be 55-60 at night and in the 70's during the day.  Not bad for November!

Unable to add pictures on this computer so will try to accomplish this soon.    It's looks like we will be on the road during Thanksgiving.  We send our wishes to everyone for a Happy Thanksgiving and we will look for some invitation along the way.    Bill and Ann


  1. Dear Bill and Ann,
    Good to talk to you Ann.
    I found the e-mail address of the rancher so I sent him note saying, "Yes, now we have seen your ranch sign."
    Thanks for the reminder of the great trip we had along the ST.
    Love, Don and Pat

  2. You may have heard tell of the blizzard here. Pretty impressive. Today the wind died down and it was clear and sunny but with a high of 25. Enjoy the Gulf Coast weather!
